Finding Magic

One more on magic…

If you don’t have the magic within the group, how do you get it?

First let me say, it’s absolutely possible to have a career as a band or with a team of people while not having magical chemistry. Magic is extra special but not essential to achievement.

So how does magic come about? In a word: Personnel.

If you’ve been with the same group for five years and magical connection and inspiration and magnetism isn’t happening, it’s unlikely to come. It’s time to change up the personnel.

Add someone to the group. Remove someone from the group. Replace someone in the group. Get a different group. Each one of those methods has the power to redefine the chemistry of the entire group.

We each bring a vibe and energy to the group. When certain people cross each others’ paths, something extra special happens. Something clicks. Synergy. The spirit. A collective force. Excitement and possibility and adventure. A deep sense of With.

If you don’t have it, it doesn’t mean you need to leave everyone you know. But keep your eyes open. Keep making little new connections and opportunities. When you find it, you’ll know.


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